Course Content
Theme 01: Introduction to Commercial Organisations
Theme 02: Ownership Structures – Sole Proprietorship and Joint Hindi Family Business
Theme 03: Ownership Structures – Partnership
Theme 04: Ownership Structures – Joint Stock Company
Theme 05: Ownership Structures – Cooperative Society
Theme 06: Public Sector Enterprises
Theme 07: Functioning of a Commercial Organisation
Theme 08: Communication in a Commercial Organisation
Theme 09: Ways of Communication
Theme 10: Tools of Communication
Theme 11: Nature and Technology of Accounting
Theme 12: Accounting Records
Theme 13: Natural Resources
Theme 14: Depletion of Resources
Theme 15: Practices for Conservation of Resources.
Theme 16: Industrial Pollution and Degradation of Environment.
Commercial Application – 9
About Lesson

“Functioning of a Commercial Organisation” is a crucial topic in Class 9 Commercial Application, focusing on the various operations and activities that a commercial organization performs to achieve its goals. Here’s a summary of this topic:

1. **Production**: It involves the creation of goods and services. This includes determining what to produce, how much to produce, and the methods of production.

2. **Marketing**: This function involves identifying customer needs, promoting products or services, setting prices, and distributing them to customers.

3. **Finance**: Finance is about managing the money and financial resources of the organization. It includes budgeting, investment decisions, and financial planning.

4. **Human Resource Management**: This function deals with managing the organization’s workforce. It includes recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and employee relations.

5. **Information Management**: Information management involves collecting, storing, and using data to make informed decisions. It includes the use of technology for managing information.

6. **Risk Management**: This involves identifying potential risks to the organization and taking steps to mitigate them. It includes insurance, safety measures, and contingency planning.

7. **Corporate Governance**: This refers to the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. It includes ethical practices and accountability to stakeholders.

Understanding the functioning of a commercial organization helps students grasp the complexities of managing a business and prepares them for future roles in the business world.