ICSE Chemistry – 6
About Lesson

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The branch of Science which deals with the different forms of energy e.g. light and sound.

A: Chemistry

B: Physics

C: Biology 

  1. The branch of Chemistry which includes study of specific carbon compounds – built up of mainly carbon and hydrogen.

A: Inorganic Chemistry

B: Physical Chemistry

C: Organic Chemistry 

  1. The scientist who formulated the Periodic Table.

A: John Dalton

B: Daniel Rutherford

C: Dmitri Mendeleev 

  1. Predecessors to the modern Chemist who created the ‘Philosopher’s stone’.

A: Botanists

B: Alchemists

C: Physicists 

  1. A synthetic fibre used in clothing.

A: Cotton

B: Jute

C: Terylene 

  1. A medicine to treat pain, fever & inflammation.

A: Anaesthetic

B: Aspirin

C: Antacid 

  1. A water soluble cleaning agent – not inactivated by hard water.

A: Soap

B: Detergent

C: Cleanser 

  1. A substance which absorbs moisture and keeps the skin dry and free from rashes.

A: Talc

B: Preservative

C: Emulsifier 

  1. A chemical used as a preservative for jams, pickles etc.

A: Titanium dioxide

B: Rayon

C: Benzoic acid 

  1. A substance which dissolves grease & oil and is preferred as a – drain cleaner.

A: Glycerine

B: Sodium hydroxide

C: Hydrogen peroxide

  1. for gas preparations where heating is required.

(A) Flat bottom flask

(B) Retort

(C) Round bottom flask 

  1. for holding washed test tubes.

(A) Test tube holder

 (B) Test tube stand

(C) Retort stand 

  1. A glass apparatus resistant to chemicals, made of Pyrex and used for heating specific liquids.

(A) Beaker

(B) Retort

(C) Boiling Tube 

  1. A metallic apparatus which supports the wire gauze.

(A) A Tripod stand

(B) Retort stand

(C) Test tube stand 

  1. A long glass apparatus closed at one end used for collecting gases.

(A) Measuring cylinder

(B) Gas jar

(C) Beehive shelf 

  1. A glass apparatus which measures liquid by sucking the liquid at one end up to the marked level and later pouring it out.

(A) Burette

(B) Measuring cylinder

 (C) Pipette 

  1. A long glass tube with a broad inlet at the top, which allows entry of the reactants into the round bottom flask, during laboratory preparations of gases.

(A) Thistle funnel

(B) Delivery tube

(C) Funnel. 

  1. A clay vessel kept in a trough of water during collection of a gas by downward displacement of water.

(A) Retort

(B) Beehive shelf

(C) Burette 

  1. A modern apparatus with an air regulator, used for heating purposes.

(A) Spirit lamp

(B) Bunsen burner

 (C) Electric stove 

  1. A rectangular mesh with asbestos at its centre, kept for initiating even distribution of heat to the bottom of the apparatus.

(A) Tripod stand

(B) Wire gauze

(C) Retort stand

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