Course Content
Theme- 1. Medieval Europe –The Rise and Spread of Christianity
Theme- 2. The Rise and Spread of Islam
Theme- 3. The Turkish Invasion and the Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate
Theme- 4. TheVijayanagar and the Bahmani Kingdoms
Theme- 5. The Mughal Period
Theme- 6. The Making of a Composite Culture
Theme- 7. The Constitution of India
Theme- 8. Directive Principles of State Policy
History & Civics – 7
About Lesson

In Class 7 History, we delve into the dynamic period of “The Turkish Invasion and the Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate,” exploring the captivating narratives that shaped the medieval Indian subcontinent. This theme unfolds in multiple layers, each revealing critical aspects of political upheavals, cultural shifts, and societal transformations. Here’s a concise summary of what this historical journey entails:

The theme unfolds in several parts, starting with the advent of Turkish invaders into the Indian subcontinent and culminating in the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate. This period marked a significant turning point in the history of the region, bringing forth new rulers, administrative systems, and cultural amalgamations.

Key Components:

1. The Delhi Sultanate I, II, III:
– These segments elucidate the historical chronology of the Turkish invasion and the subsequent establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.
– Explore the motivations and strategies of Turkish rulers as they ventured into India, encountering and influencing local cultures.

2. Life under the Delhi Sultanate:
– Delve into the social, economic, and cultural aspects of life during the Delhi Sultanate.
– Understand how the new administrative structures impacted the daily lives of people, fostering both challenges and opportunities.


1. Political Transformations:
– Witness the transformation of political landscapes as Turkish rulers introduced new administrative structures and governance systems.
– Analyze the impact of these changes on the regional power dynamics.

2. Cultural Exchange:
– Explore the cultural interactions between the Turks and the indigenous populations, leading to a fascinating synthesis of traditions.
– Understand how this cultural amalgamation laid the groundwork for the diverse and composite culture of the Indian subcontinent.

3. Socio-Economic Dynamics:
– Examine the socio-economic conditions prevalent during this period, considering the influence of the Delhi Sultanate on trade, agriculture, and urbanization.
– Gain insights into the lives of people under the Sultanate’s rule.

Learning Objectives:

1. Chronological Understanding:
– Develop a chronological understanding of the events leading to the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.
– Identify key figures, battles, and administrative changes during this transformative period.

2. Cultural Synthesis:
– Comprehend the process of cultural synthesis that occurred during the interactions between Turkish rulers and the local populace.
– Recognize the lasting impact of this synthesis on the cultural diversity of India.

3. Critical Analysis:
– Encourage critical analysis of historical sources to discern the motivations and consequences of the Turkish invasion and the subsequent establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.

Embark on this historical odyssey, exploring the rise of the Delhi Sultanate and the intricate threads that weave together the fabric of India’s medieval past. Uncover the stories, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped our cultural heritage.