Course Content
Theme 1. Matter
In classical physics and general chemistry, matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.
Theme 3. Force
Theme 4. Simple Machines
Theme 5. Light & Shadows
Theme 6. Magnetism
ICSE Physics – 6
About Lesson



  • Matter is the substance which occupies space and has mass. 
  • The three states of matter are 
  1. solid, 2. liquid 3. gas. 
  • Matter is composed of large number of molecules. 
  • A molecule is the smallest particle which can exist freely in nature by itself and it retains the properties of the substance. 
  • All molecules of a substance are identical, but the molecules of different substanes are different. 
  • A molecule is very small in size (10-10 m). 
  • The molecules are separated from each other with spaces called inter-molecular spacing. 
  • The molecules in a substance are held together by the forces acting between the molecules which are called the inter-molecular forces. 
  • The force of attraction between the molecules of the same sub¬stance is called the force of cohesion, while the force of attraction between the molecules of two different substances is called the force of adhesion. 
  • The forces of cohesion and adhesion are effective only when the separation between the molecules is 10-9 m. When the separation becomes more, they vanish. 
  • The molecules in a substance are not at rest, but they are con¬stantly in motion. 
  • In a solid, the molecules are rigid, the inter-molecular spacing is least, the inter- molecular forces are strongest and the molecules remain in their fixed positions. They vibrate to and fro about their mean positions, but they do not leave their positions, so a solid has a definite shape and a definite volume. 
  • In a liquid, the molecules are not rigid, the inter-molecular spacing is more than that in solids, the inter-molecular forces are weak and the molecules are free to move within the boundary of the liquid, so the liquid has a definite volume, but it does not have a definite shape. 
  • In gases, the molecules are not rigid, the inter-molecular spacing is more than that in solids and liquids, the inter-molecular forces are weakest and the molecules are free to move anywhere in space. So the gas has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape. 
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