Course Content
Theme 1: The Computer System
Theme 2: Windows 10
Theme 3: More Tools in Paint
Theme 4: Tux Paint
Theme 5: Starting Word
Theme 6: Starting with Scratch
Theme 7: Basics of the Internet
Computer – 3
About Lesson

“Theme 1: The Computer System – Unveiling the Tech Magic!

In our Class 3 Computer Course, Theme 1: The Computer System will take you on a thrilling journey into the heart of technology. Here’s a summary of what you’ll explore:

1. Introduction to Computers:
– Understand what a computer is and why it’s an essential part of our lives.
– Learn about the primary functions of a computer, from processing data to storing information.

2. Computer Components:
– Discover the key parts of a computer, such as the CPU, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
– Explore their roles and how they work together to make the computer function.

3. Hardware and Software:
– Differentiate between computer hardware and software.
– Learn how hardware components like the motherboard and software programs like Windows work together.

4. Input and Output Devices:
– Identify common input devices like the keyboard and mouse.
– Understand how output devices, such as monitors and printers, display and produce information.

5. The Operating System:
– Gain insights into the role of the operating system in managing computer resources.
– Learn about user interfaces and how they help us interact with the computer.

By the end of Theme 1, you’ll have a solid foundation in understanding the fascinating world of computers, from the hardware that powers them to the software that makes them useful. Get ready to unlock the mysteries of technology!”