Social Studies – 3

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Social studies examines the relationships between individuals and societies, as well as the development and operation of societies, rather than studying the physical world. These academic disciplines rely more heavily on interpretation and qualitative research methodologies.

Social Studies as a subject is equally important as is English or Math. In fact, even more! Unless children know what the things present around them are, they won’t be able to interact with it properly. In Social Studies subject for Class 3, children get to learn about things ranging from their immediate environment (plants, animals, air, water, soil, food, human body parts, clothes etc.) to their wider environment (neighborhood, school, etc. ). Social Studies includes a variety of environmental topics. Learning these, kids develop awareness about their natural, social and cultural environment.

Welcome to Class 3 – Social Studies, where we embark on an exciting journey to explore the diverse facets of our world. In this engaging course, we will delve into a variety of topics that span from the vastness of the universe to the richness of civilizations.

Get ready for an immersive and enlightening journey through the pages of Class 3 – Social Studies as we unravel the stories and secrets that shape our world!

Course Summary for Class 3 Social Studies:

Unit 1: The Earth

Part I: The Universe & Our Blue Planet
– Introduction to the universe and the Earth as a celestial body.
– Understanding the Earth’s position in the solar system.
– Basic knowledge of day and night, seasons, and the concept of time zones.

Part II: Landforms of the Earth
– Exploration of various landforms such as mountains, valleys, plains, deserts, etc.
– Learning about the formation and characteristics of different landforms.

Part III: Water Bodies of the Earth
– Identification and study of major water bodies like rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans.
– Understanding the importance of water bodies for human civilization and the environment.

Unit 2: Our Country: India

Part I: India: Different Landforms & Climate
– Exploring the diverse geographical features of India.
– Understanding the climate variations across different regions of the country.

Part II: India: States & Union Territories
– Introduction to the political division of India into states and union territories.
– Learning about the capitals and key features of some states and union territories.

Unit 3: Metropolises in India
– Studying major metropolitan cities in India, their significance, and characteristics.
– Understanding the role of metropolises in the economic and cultural development of the country.

Unit 4: The Way We Live

*Part I: Our Food
– Exploring different types of food, dietary habits, and their regional variations.
– Understanding the importance of a balanced diet.

Part II: Our Clothes
– Learning about traditional and modern clothing styles in different regions of India.
– Exploring the significance of clothing in various cultures.

Part III: Our Festivals
– Studying major festivals celebrated in India and their cultural significance.
– Understanding the diversity of festivals across different regions.

Part IV: Our Occupation
– Exploring various occupations and professions in different parts of the country.
– Understanding the importance of different occupations in society

Part V: Means of Communication
– Learning about the evolution of communication methods over time.
– Understanding the role of technology in modern communication.

Part VI: Local Administration
– Introduction to the concept of local governance and administration.
– Understanding the roles and responsibilities of local authorities.

Unit 5: The Story of Evolution

Part I: The Early Man
– Exploring the life and culture of early humans.
– Understanding the transition from hunting-gathering to settled societies.

Part II: The Man in the 21st Century
– Studying the advancements and changes in human civilization in the 21st century.
– Exploring the impact of technology, globalization, and societal changes.

This social studies course for Class 3 is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the Earth, India, its culture, and the evolution of human society from ancient times to the present day. The curriculum aims to foster an appreciation for diversity and a sense of connection to the world around them.\

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What Will You Learn?

  • Social sciences are a group of academic disciplines that focus on how individuals behave within society.
  • Typical careers in the social sciences include working as an economist, psychologist, social worker, or in law, government, non-profits, as well as working in academia.
  • Careers in social work and economics are among some of the fastest-growing industries in India.
  • Social sciences give us a better understanding of how to create more inclusive and effective community.
  • The course offers the child with a variety of important lessons about Plants, Water, Air, Soil, Human Body, Clothes, School, Cultural Environment etc..
  • The subject helps improve the child’s awareness about the environment around.
  • Learning made simple and fun by experts at ADMIRE.
  • Interactive learning experience.

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