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Description of each of the chapters from the Class 9 Biology syllabus:

1. Five Kingdom Classification: This chapter deals with the classification of living organisms into five kingdoms based on their characteristics and evolutionary relationships. The kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

2. Digestive System: This chapter covers the structure and function of the human digestive system, including organs such as the mouth, stomach, liver, and intestines, and the process of digestion.

3. The Respiratory System: It focuses on the structure and function of the respiratory system, including the lungs, diaphragm, and the process of respiration.

4. Waste Generation and Management: This chapter discusses the various sources of waste generation, the different types of waste, and methods of waste management, including recycling and disposal.

5. Introducing Biology: It provides an overview of the field of biology, including its history, branches, and importance in understanding living organisms.

6. Vegetative Propagation and Micropropagation: This chapter explains the methods of vegetative propagation in plants, such as cutting, layering, and grafting, and introduces the concept of micropropagation or tissue culture.

7. Seeds – Structure and Germination: It covers the structure of seeds and the process of germination, including the factors influencing germination and the role of seeds in plant reproduction.

8. Economic Importance of Bacteria and Fungi: This chapter discusses the beneficial and harmful roles of bacteria and fungi in various industries, agriculture, and human health.

9. Movement and Locomotion: It explains the different types of movement in animals, including muscle contraction, skeletal movement, and locomotion in various animal groups.

10. Diseases – Causes and Controls: This chapter covers the causes, symptoms, and prevention of common diseases in humans, including infectious diseases and lifestyle-related diseases.

11. Aids to Health: It discusses various practices and technologies that contribute to maintaining and improving health, such as hygiene, vaccination, and medical treatment.

12. Cell – The Unit of Life: This chapter introduces the cell as the basic unit of life, including its structure, functions, and types.

13. The Flower, Respiration in Plants, Nutrition: It covers the structure and functions of flowers, the process of respiration in plants, and the various modes of nutrition in plants.

14. Skin : This chapter discusses the structure and functions of the skin, including its role in protection, sensation, and regulation of body temperature.

15. Hygiene: It emphasizes the importance of personal and public hygiene in preventing diseases and maintaining overall health.

16. Health Organizations: This chapter introduces various national and international health organizations and their roles in promoting health and combating diseases.

17. Tissues – Plant and Animal Tissues:** It explains the different types of tissues in plants and animals, their structure, functions, and importance.

18. Pollination and Fertilization: This chapter covers the process of pollination in plants, including the types of pollination and the role of insects and other agents, as well as fertilization in plant reproduction.

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What Will You Learn?

  • It compliments different subjects, such as Physics, Math.
  • It gives you a challenge and opens up a new learning opportunity
  • Biology can help stimulate and challenge you academically.
  • Science is a constantly evolving field.
  • By the end of this course you will have received a thorough preparation in Biology.

Course Content

Theme 01 : Five kingdom classification

  • Five kingdom classification

Theme 02 : Digestive System

Theme 03 : The respiratory system

Theme 04 : Waste generation and Management

Theme 05 : Introducing Biology

Theme 06 : Vegetative Propagation and Micropropagation

Theme 07 : Seeds – Structure and Germination

Theme 08 : Economic Importance of Bacteria and Fungi

Theme 09 : Movement and Locomotion

Theme 10 : Diseases – Causes and Controls

Theme 11 : Aids to health

Theme 12 : Cell – The Unit of Life

Theme 13 : The Flower

Theme 14 : Respiration in Plants

Theme 15 : Nutrition

Theme 16 : Skin

Theme 17 : Hygiene

Theme 18 : Health Organisations

Theme 19 : Tissues – Plant and Animal Tissues

Theme 20 : Pollination and Fertilization

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