Course Content
Theme 01: The First War of Independence in 1857
Theme 02: Growth of Nationalism
Theme 04: Partition of Bengal.
Theme 05: Rise of Assertive Nationalism
Theme 06: The Muslim League and the Lucknow Pact
Theme 07: Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement
Theme 08: Quit India Movement
Theme 09: Forward Bloc and the Indian National Army
Theme 10: Independence and Partition of India
Theme 11: The First World War
Theme 12: Rise of Dictatorships
Theme 13: The Second World War
Theme 14: United Nations Organisation
Theme 15: Major Agencies of the United Nations
Theme 16: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Theme 17: Non-Aligned Movement
History & Civics – 10
About Lesson

In Class 9 ICSE Civics, the topic of “The Union Parliament” covers the structure, functions, and significance of the Indian Parliament. Here’s a summary:

1. **Structure**: The Indian Parliament is bicameral, consisting of two houses: the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).

2. **Lok Sabha**: Members of the Lok Sabha are elected directly by the people of India. It is the lower house of Parliament and is responsible for making laws, controlling finances, and representing the people.

3. **Rajya Sabha**: Members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the members of the State Legislative Assemblies. It is the upper house of Parliament and represents the states and territories of India. It plays a crucial role in shaping laws and policies.

4. **Functions**: The Parliament of India has three main functions: legislative, executive, and financial. It is responsible for making laws, overseeing the functioning of the government, and controlling the finances of the country.

5. **Significance**: The Indian Parliament is significant as it is the supreme legislative body of the country. It reflects the democratic principles of India and plays a vital role in the governance and decision-making processes of the nation.

Understanding the structure and functions of the Indian Parliament is essential for students to grasp the functioning of the Indian political system and its significance in the democratic setup of the country.

Exercise Files
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