Course Content
Theme 01: The First War of Independence in 1857
Theme 02: Growth of Nationalism
Theme 04: Partition of Bengal.
Theme 05: Rise of Assertive Nationalism
Theme 06: The Muslim League and the Lucknow Pact
Theme 07: Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement
Theme 08: Quit India Movement
Theme 09: Forward Bloc and the Indian National Army
Theme 10: Independence and Partition of India
Theme 11: The First World War
Theme 12: Rise of Dictatorships
Theme 13: The Second World War
Theme 14: United Nations Organisation
Theme 15: Major Agencies of the United Nations
Theme 16: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Theme 17: Non-Aligned Movement
History & Civics – 10
About Lesson

The Partition of Bengal in 1905 was a significant event in Indian history. Here’s a summary:

The British government, led by Lord Curzon, divided the province of Bengal into two parts on October 16, 1905. The main reason for this partition was to improve administrative efficiency by reducing the size of the province.

The new province of East Bengal and Assam had a Muslim majority, while the remaining part of Bengal, including Bihar and Orissa, had a Hindu majority. The partition was also seen as a strategy to weaken the growing nationalist movement in Bengal, which was seen as a threat by the British.

The partition sparked widespread protests and opposition across Bengal, led by nationalist leaders like Surendranath Banerjee and Rabindranath Tagore. The Swadeshi Movement, which called for the boycott of British goods and promotion of Indian goods, gained momentum as a result of the partition.

In 1911, due to the growing unrest and pressure from Indian nationalists, the British government decided to annul the partition and reunite Bengal. The reunification of Bengal was seen as a victory for the nationalist movement and a setback for British imperial policy.

Overall, the Partition of Bengal was a turning point in Indian history as it gave a significant impetus to the nationalist movement and led to the emergence of new forms of protest and resistance against British rule.

Exercise Files
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